Safety Program
We want to assure everyone that our company is taking the proper precautions to keep our team, clients and communities safe during this time. We are closely monitoring the quickly developing effect of COVID-19 and regularly training our staff per CDC guidelines.
The following are the measures we take to prevent further spread:
Actively encouraging sick employees to stay home
Providing information and regular updated training to all employees on the CDC Guidelines
Performing routine environmental cleaning of shared workplace equipment and furniture
Field crew actively cleans shared tools and equipment
Advised on proper hand washing protocols
Maintaining a safe social distance of six feet or more both in office and on our job sites
No more than 9 field technicians per job site
Minimizing outside office visits
Daily temperature check-in for office staff
Wearing proper PPE at all times (face masks, gloves, glasses, etc.)
Cancellation and/or rescheduled meetings with large groups
Teleconferencing and video conferencing as needed
Weekly job site safety inspections
Biweekly safety meetings and training
Making Health and Safety Our Priority
General Safety Guidelines
Safety is always our number one concern on any project. We have built a safety program, completely compliant with OSHA. We focus on the safety of every individual that we employ and enforce bi-weekly safety meetings with our field crews. Here are a few listed items that you will see on any project of ours:
Safety glasses
Dust masks or full respirators
Workmen gloves
Steel-toed work boots
Logo shirts
Safety vests
On every job, we provide the following for our team's safety as well as our client's:
Part-Time Safety Coordinator
Orange coned off area with safety tape and highly-visible signage
Each vehicle is equipped with a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher
Plenty of water
First-aid and CPR trained Foremen
Certified boom lift/aerial lift operators

Fall Protection
Since we do a great deal of physical work on roofs and high rises, we have a very detailed fall protection program. Some items include:
Reusable roof anchors
Vertical lifelines with snap hook and rope and grab
Self-retracting lifelines
Lifeline tethers/lanyards
Full body harnesses
Boom lifts/Aerial lifts
Scaffolding systems
Ladder stabilizing equipment